Bitnetix is dedicated to providing the right communication at the right time. One way that we provide that communication to clients, contract teaming partners, and others is mailing lists. Feel free to subscribe to any of our mailing lists here.
Bitnetix Newsletter
The Newsletter will send you email when there is a new post in our technology, status, or customer feedback blogs. We also use it to inform people of information about the company.
Contract Teaming Mailing List
This list is for companies interested in being notified when Bitnetix is considering a government contract bid that may require additional teaming partners to meet contract requirements.
In all cases, the management of your subscription options and removing yourself from our mailing lists can be done by following the links in the emails you receive. Bitnetix will never share, sell, rent, or give away any information about our list membership, nor will we use our lists for anything other than good faith efforts to communicate effectively with our clients and the public at large.
Bitnetix is The Business of Communication.